Is the Root of Your Tooth Enflamed? It Might Be Time For a Visit to Your Dentist in the 91202 Area

Understanding Dentist

Is the Root of Your Tooth Enflamed? It Might Be Time For a Visit to Your Dentist in the 91202 Area

If you or a member of your family needs a root canal ASAP, contact Hillside Dental Group, your dentist in the 91202 area. Our certified endodontists are able to preform your root cancel in a gentle, professional, and quick manner. With two years of extra training in dental care, they are fully equipped to apply anesthetic, and insert a dental dam to keep your infected tooth in place. Once the gum area is numb, our surgeon will remove the infected pump from the root of your tooth and replace it with a rubber like material into the tooth. Once a temporary filling is put in, your dentist will take over by putting in a crown. Root canals are not something that should wait. Give us a call today to schedule your first visit or repeating appointment.