Looking for a Dentist in the 91202 Area Code? Try Hillside Dental Group!

Understanding Dentist

Looking for a Dentist in the 91202 Area Code? Try Hillside Dental Group!

If you’re looking for a dentist in the 91202 area code, give Hillside Dental Group a try! At Hillside Dental Group we’ve been taking care of the dental health needs of Glendale, California and the surrounding areas for over 25 years. Our dentist, Dr. Raffi Yessayantz D.D.S., has trained with some of the most respected family and cosmetic dentists in the world, and is committed to continuing education and embracing the most advanced dental health care techniques so that you receive the best possible care. We care about our patients and put their comfort and dental health above all else. Give us a call to learn more about Hillside Dental Group and make an appointment today!